According to the calendar, it's been spring for more than a month already, but here in Lithuania we started to actually feel it only a few days ago. The sun is still weak, but the flowers are already breaking into bloom, and the birds are singing more and more boldly.
However, in Georgia it's the very height of the season, and the business is long-time awoken from the winter's sleep there.
New Broker Group is back with their spring offer, advising to hurry up and buy the land in premium locations while it's still cheap -- as reads the advertising flyer which I designed for them by the end of last month.

But that's not the main reason for this blog post -- it's about another "magical transformation" done with the help of a photo-editor. Like in the
previous case, the customer wasn't able to provide me with a suitable photo for the season, so I had to improvise. Again.
This time I took a photo made sometime in fall and transformed it into a blooming spring scenery. You can compare the edited photo with the original below.
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