Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Tiny Bit of Magic Before Christmas

Well, it's actually quite long before Christmas and even longer if we're talking about the Orthodox Christmas, but still...

This is the front side of an advertising booklet for a real estate brokerage company, introducing their special New-Year offers. It's really nothing special in terms of design, but there's something else I wanted to boast about. You see that snowy scenery with a Christmas tree? Take a good look at it. Feel the frost in the air? Hear the Jingle Bells? Good! Now compare it with the original photo, provided by the client:

There, you have just witnessed a tiny bit of photo-editing magic. And such a "miraculous transformation" is the only option when customers are unable to provide you with proper material to work with. Not that I'm complaining, though -- it was quite a fun working on this one.


Artist from Ukraine said...


You have some very interesting works in your portfolio and a nice looking website. Good job!

Best regards to you and Georgia!

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