Sunday, November 8, 2015

Journey Through the Skies

A few months ago The SKYS, a Lithuanian progressive rock band, asked me to do the artwork for their upcoming 20th anniversary album Journey Through the Skies, which would feature re-recordings of some of their previous songs, as well as some new material.

I immediately saw the opportunity for a "road-trip" concept and proposed just that – a continuous folding booklet featuring the illustrations to each songs seamlessly joined together, like a big journey through my surreal visions based on the lyrics. The recipe was simple: – a low horizon for a surreal flavor, a richly colored sky, slowly changing between day and night, and some repeatable elements for the scenery, helping to maintain the integrity. Add some symbolism and... voila! you have the fresh-cooked album art à la Dalí.

The unfolded booklet reaches a whooping 96 cm in length, so folding and unfolding it could be easily used as a morning exercise.

We had a transparent jewel case, so for the inside artwork I came up with the idea of the empty scenery, which would "accommodate" the CD.

Here's the CD, separately.

And, finally, the back side. Some people noticed that the CD number is RK05CD, so I'm telling you straight away: no, those are not my initials, although I surely appreciate the coincidence.

This is how it looks all printed and finished. Sorry for the bad quality: I took the picture with my phone and just cleaned it up in Photoshop. I can assure you, in real life the final product looks a lot more impressive.


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